Thursday, September 22, 2005

New person

A new person will be entering the world at the end of October. This baby's mother has decided that the baby shall not have any plastic toys, I really don't know how she is going to pull that one off, but I do think it is very commendable. I have thought long and hard about what to give this baby, and I think I have come up with the perfect thing. The Baby Bobbi Bear, knitted with Blue Sky Alpacas organic Cotton. The yarn is organically grown and the color is a naturally occurring shade, free from bleach and dyes. It should be safe for a tiny little new person to suck on this yarn right? I really hope that baby's mother will agree.

Er...right now the bear looks more like an alien than a bear, but I hope that will change with some stuffing, a pair of arms and ears, and a face! The bear is also a lot bigger than I had expected, and I am really pleased I didn't knit the original Bobbi Bear, because it would be too big for new born.
It is a pretty quick knit, on 5,5 mm dpns, but the is soft... and totally unforgiving of any of my knitting flaws. Everything shows with this yarn, I think that if I were to knit the bear again, I'd use a wool yarn instead.

Look what I got at Netto:

I took out this book from the library the minute I first found out about my friends pregnancy. I knitted a pair of tiny socks for baby, they turned out to be baby's first piece of hand knit (might as well start them early - in the womb isn't too soon!). Well, I fell in love with this book, it is pretty and cute, but not too pretty or too cute, if you know what mean. I could have jumped up and down from sheer joy when I found this book while buying milk, and with a good price too!

CC is sewn togther... still need to pick up stitches...


Linda said...

Hey lazy

Jeg mener jo, at ingen legetøj af plastik nærmer sig landsforrædderi (LEGO). Vi holder en mere in-between linie: gaverædsler og bras fra mcdonalds ryger ud inden for en måned (hov, det gik i stykker).
Bogen er rigtig nuser, har også lige købt den efter at have tilbageholdt den ½ år fra biblioteket :0)
Glæder mig til at se din choko-bluse! Dine handsker er bare flotte!
kh Linda

ps hvorfor hedder din kat banan?

Anonymous said...

Ja, det med trælegetøj er vist mest mødrenes æstetik, der stikerk snuden frem. ;o) Held og lykke med forehavendet...indtil barnet ligger i en rystende, hulkende bunke på gulvet over, ikke at må få Barbie eller Lego som legekammeraterne! (enig med Linda) *S*

Bobbi Bear er jeg HELT vild med, er stødt på den flere gange i blade osv...den er for nuttet!