Some times stuff happens that makes me reevaluate myself or my life , it doesn't happen very often but it happens. And it has happened! I have realized that I can't do math. Now, I've never claimed to be a math genius but I do remember learning addition and subtraction in the first or second grade, and being quite good at it as well. That is what my math teacher told my parents anyway. I don't know what happened, if I never actually had any talent or if I have just lost my talent recently.
So you ask, how did I discover my lack of math talent? It's the Baby Bobbi Bear. Look at him, doesn't he look cute? He doesn't look at all like someone who could make people realize life altering things about themselves does he?
He is almost done, I have knit some arms for him (T thinks they are a little short - I haven't made up my mind about that yet) and stuffed him. Now he needs some ears, and here is where the life altering thing happened. The patterns says:
"Cast on 5 sts, work back and forth in rows, cont as foll:
Row 1 and all odd rows: Purl to end
Row2: knit 1, Make 1, knit 1, make 1, knit 1 [5 sts] "
Huh? Five? Please correct me if I'm wrong but if I've got five stitches and I make two more stitches I should have seven stitches total, right? I don't get it, do they want me to cast on three stitches and end up with 5 or do they want me to cast on 5 stitches and knit 1, make 1, knit 3, make 1, knit 1 and end up with 7 stitches?
Or the even more disturbing possibility, the math in the pattern is correct and I'm just to stupid to get it!?
The knitting has been a little lazy. I've started a new pair of Broadripple Socks. These will be for my mom - for Christmas! I can hardly believe it, we're only in the beginning of October and I've already started on my Christmas presents. This is a definite first for me.
Mom got to pick out the yarn and pattern herself! Fortissima Colori, Mexico-Disco-Color! Pretty!
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Oh, he looks really cute with the tiny arms! Weird with the ears though....
Kan du ikke se ud fra enten næste række (hvis der er en) eller ud fra et nærbillede, om du skal starte med 3 eller 5? Ellers så prøv dig frem, det tager jo ingen tid at strikke og strikke igen - så kan du selv bedømme, hvad der ser mest rigtigt/nuttet ud (jeg tror, du skal starte med 5 ud fra den tanke, at brede ører passer bedst til den tykke bamse *s*).
Trykfejl sker jo desværre...når det så sker med tal, er det ofte bare ekstra træls.
Strange pattern... Begin with either 3 or 5 stitches and knit. Murphy's law tells you that the correct answer will be the one you did not choose. Cute teddy though.
Der sker ikke meget her, hva'?
he looks like a baby ginger breadman. run run as fast as you can...
Hi...I realize I'm posting what...a year later? But my BBB Pattern says to cast on 3 stitches for the ears.
I'm sure you figured it out already but I couldn't stop myself from commenting. I found your blog while doing a search online for finished Baby Bobbi Bears.
What a cute bear it's going to be!!! Your socks are very bright and cheery!
ej, hvor er du sej! hvor er det bare nogle lækre ting! KH
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